Monday, April 1, 2019

A Note For You Card

If anyone watches my live videos on Sunday nights, you will already know how I messed up the whole thing by my last two words.  If you don't already know you will see it in the video below but I will tell you now anyways.  I said "Love You!" at the end of my video and once I had said it and hit the end button I realized what I had done and there was no going back or no explaining that my daughters and my sister were watching and I was talking back and forth with them and I always tell them that when talking on the phone so it was just a natural reaction.  I didn't stop to think about how many other people would be watching.  I have some splaining to do Lucy on my next video.

With that being said, here is the card I did last night.  I have to give credit to Dawn Olehefske @ Do Stamping With Dawn because I CASED (copied) this card from her.  I changed the stripe on the side from Washi Tape to a 1/2" strip of Wood Textures Paper and I didn't have the Copper Metallic Thread so I used Gold.

I hope everyone has a fantastic week.

Here is a list of supplies used:

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DIY Photo Album

 As promised from my Facebook Live last night, I am here this morning to give you the measurements of the photo album I made.  I am so sorry...